How does Loan-Deposit-Link work?

Loan-Deposit-Link lets you save at the same rate* with your Core Account for up to HKD 1,000,000. At the end of each month within Valid Period, we'll calculate your Core Account's daily average balance (for days where you have a WeLab Bank Personal Loan).Your Loan-Deposit-Link Interest Rebate* is equal to:- the monthly average of the day-end available balances of your Core Account in HKD and capped at HKD 1,000,000 based on the last day of that calendar month multiplied by your Loan-Deposit-Link's Rebate Rate*Interest Rebate is then credited to your Core Account within 15 days of the end of the previous month.*Terms and conditions apply. The Interest Rebate shall be calculated base on the average of the closing balances of the Core Account in HKD for each day in the respective calendar month (balances of any other currencies in the Core Account are not included) and capped at HKD 1,000,000.

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